By choosing SAFE as a beneficiary for your upcoming event, you not only raise much needed funds but also bring awareness to the community about the help available to those affected by child abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, and sex trafficking. We are grateful to members of the community who wish to support our work. Thank you.
To host a third-party event, please fill out our participation form, this will ensure a member of our staff will follow-up and be there to assist you.
Unfortunately, due to limited staffing, SAFE cannot guarantee a representative will attend your event. We do, however, greatly appreciate your generosity and philanthropic support for survivors.
Our mission and philosophy, which drive the work we do, include creating changes in attitudes and behaviors which contribute to or impact the community’s understanding and responses to abuse. In keeping with this goal, we reserve the right to decline third party requests that include activities, language, or advertising that demonstrate beliefs and behaviors that are not aligned with our mission and vision.
SAFE will not solicit participation from clients or donors (as stated in our guidelines) for any hosted third-party event.
***Please note that SAFE is a 501(c)3 and cannot be affiliated with any political event or rhetoric. We thank you for helping us maintain our nonpartisan status and are grateful for your support of SAFE. ***