Your support transforms lives
Written by The SAFE Alliance
Meet Casey. She is a young woman in our Transitional Living Program, which provides housing and support for youth in the foster care system as they prepare for independence.
Throughout her life, Casey and her sister were repeatedly sexually abused by a family member. Casey was removed from her home by Child Protective Services and advocated for herself to be placed in our care here at SAFE.
When she got here last year, she was scared, anxious, and hesitant. In the months that Casey has been at SAFE, she’s made many friends and gained a sense of personal empowerment.
In December, Casey tearfully expressed her gratitude to SAFE staff as she helped decorate the campus for the holidays, something she had never done before coming to us. For the first time she admired her very own stocking with her name on it, and felt a sense of connection and community with her peers.
Casey finally feels like she can be herself. She feels safe. Because of community supporters, Casey has a life away from her abuser where she can feel secure, supported, and hopeful for her future. The support SAFE receives changed her life and helps to ensure that other kids like Casey can feel hopeful too.
If you would like to visit our campus and learn about how to get involved in our work, please join us for a SAFE Open House on our Family Shelter Campus on April 24.