Deaf SHARE (Survivor Healing through Advocacy, Resources, and Empowerment) serves anyone suffering from the traumatic experiences of sexual abuse, rape, and/or domestic violence. 

SAFE practices airtight confidentiality. The Deaf SHARE staff are fluent in ASL and a part of the Deaf community. Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled, and Hard of Hearing victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or rape may get free and confidential services in Austin/Travis County such as:

Counseling — Counseling (short-term, one-on-one, or family) may be available for anyone who has been abused or who has experienced domestic violence or sexual assault. A support group for Deaf women is also available.

Parenting Classes — Classes are offered periodically and meet once a week for 12 weeks. The classes are taught in ASL and offer parenting skills and discuss how domestic violence affects the whole family.

Case Management — Deaf SHARE also offers case management and advocacy to Deaf victims of domestic/sexual violence. We may be able to help with:

  • Planning for your safety
  • Getting connected to services with other agencies
  • Completing Crime Victims Compensation (CVC) applications
  • Going with you to court or the hospital
  • Basic items like food, diapers, soap, shampoo, linens, and school supplies

For more information, contact or 512.356.1599 (v). If you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1.