They’re not just words

October 20, 2016

Thousands of women have sat across from me, reeling from years of abuse. Almost all tell me the same story—scars heal, it’s the words that stick with you.

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Transitional Living Program provides stability

October 14, 2016

Thomas found his way to the Austin Children Shelter Transitional Living Program in late March. He’s been with us ever since, and things are going great.

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A culture of complicit silence

October 13, 2016

I have become intrigued and dismayed by the intransigence of understanding when it comes to the prevalence, outcomes, and acknowledgement of sexual assault and abuse in our society.

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Care Academy achieves highest accreditation

October 12, 2016

Care Academy, a SAFE program, is now accredited as a four-star child care facility through Texas Rising Star! Four stars is the highest TRS accreditation.

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DVAM — A conversation on civility

October 10, 2016

In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, let’s have a conversation about civility. Civil behavior should be the rule rather than the exception.

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Austin Council: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October 7, 2016

With the proclamation that October be Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Council joined advocates, police, and the community in recognizing the impact of DV

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We did it! Austin City Council funds APD DNA lab

September 15, 2016

With an outpouring of support, we have achieved a major victory in our efforts to reopen APD’s DNA lab and end the backlog of rape kits.

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APD’s pledge to clear rape kit backlog a ‘great first step’

September 13, 2016

SAFE appreciates yesterday’s statement by the APD that they will find the money within its existing budget to resolve the sexual assault kit backlog.

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Andrea Ricuarte addressees Council on Austin rape kits

September 12, 2016

Watch advocate and first responder Andrea Ricuarte’s testimony during the Sept. 1 Austin City Council meeting.

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Paula Marks delivers testimony to Austin Council

September 12, 2016

Paula Marks was among the advocates, survivors, and community member who asked Austin City Council members to adopt budget amendments PS1.04 and PS1.07.

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