SAFE's employee gifts and company matching programs connect passionate employees and thoughtful businesses with our mission to stop violence and abuse for everyone.
Employee gifts
Activate your passion for supporting survivors and your company's workplace benefits when you designate a gift to SAFE using your employer's workplace giving program.
Matching Gifts
Highlight your brand's commitment to charitable giving by providing a company matching gift for employee contributions to SAFE.
Workplace Giving
Make philanthropy part of your business culture by aligning your brand with the causes that mean the most to your industry's leaders.
Just for Government Employees
Federal and State employees can choose to give to SAFE through the State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC). For more information visit HERE
Why should you build a strong program to support workplace/employee giving to SAFE?
Studies show that a business that is committed to improving the world is likely to attract more talent and better employees.
Studies also show that businesses that take social responsibility seriously can win consumers especially millennial consumers.
Over $5 billion is raised through workplace giving annually.
90% of corporate donors indicated that partnering with reputable nonprofit organizations enhances their brand and 89% believe partnering leverages their ability to improve the community.
Plus 83% of professional investors are more inclined to invest in stock of a company well-known for its social responsibility.